Food Preservatives and their Harmful Effects on the Body

Food Preservatives

Every living organism requires nourishment to survive. Foods contain a variety of nutrients such as carbs, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients in food are consumed and digested by an organism in order to provide energy, encourage development, and sustain life.. Because food has a limited shelf life, certain preservatives are employed to extend the shelf life and maintain the quality. These Food Preservatives may have some negative consequences, so if possible, foods without preservatives should be utilized.

Whole food is

.Nowadays, Food Preservatives are found in almost all food products. The goal is to retain the original properties of food, extend the shelf life of food, and prevent natural ageing and discoloration that might occur during food preparation, such as the enzymatic browning response in apples after they are cut

2.  2. .Natural food preservation methods include boiling and freezing [processed and unrefined, hence it has a relatively limited shelf life.

3.  3   Pasteurization, dehydration, smoking, and pickling .

4. 4. Salt, alcohol, and vinegar are all common Food Preservatives. They effectively inhibit bacterial development in meals. Coffee powder and soup are dehydrated and dried for storage.

Harmful effects of Food Preservatives:-

There are several negative consequences to employing chemicals for preservation, such as; Sulfites, which are typical preservatives used in many fruits, can cause migraines, palpitations, allergies, and even cancer .Nitrates and nitrites: These chemicals are utilised in meat products as curing agents. When ingested, it converts to nitrous acid and is suspected of causing stomach cancer. Benzoates, which are used in foods as antimicrobial preservatives, have been linked to allergies, asthma, and skin rashes.

As antimicrobial preservatives, sorbates/sorbic acid are added to foods. Sorbate reactions are uncommon, but have included instances of urticarial and contact dermatitis Also, when used for preservation, nuclear radiation does not make meals radioactive, but it may produce changes in food color or texture. It is possible to notice allergy symptoms after consuming specific foods, but other people acquire allergy symptoms a day or two later, making it difficult to determine what is causing the problem. Because people consume a wide range of foods, determining the precise chemical that causes allergy is difficult. As a result, people must follow an elimination diet.


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